Top Ways to Buy Healthy Food Without Emptying Your Wallet
The wonderful and yet mysterious thing about grocery stores is that
their sales and pricing structures can be very predictable if you pay
close attention. Healthy foods are discounted in cycles and this is good
news for you, the health conscious consumer! It is possible to save
some money at the grocery store without buying processed foods, you just
need to have a strategy and know where to look. Each section of the
grocery store has its own budget friendly, healthy food secret just
waiting for you to discover it!
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are very important for a healthy diet. They are
packed full of nutrients that your body needs to fight off infection
and diseases. Fruits and vegetables all have their own seasons and it is
important for you to know when your favorites are “in season.” Like
with many other products in society, prices fluctuate based on supply
and demand. You will pay significantly less for produce when it is in
season, locally, as there is a large bounty that must be sold before it
goes bad. When produce is in season, it does not have to travel far to
get to the grocery store, so you also save money on transportation and
processing costs.
When your favorite produce is in season, buy it in bulk! Many fruits
and vegetables can be placed in the freezer for later use. When you buy
produce in bulk, the savings will last you for many months to come. Cut
up and freeze portioned vegetable packages for use in meals down the
road, this will make dinner preparation a snap on busy weeknights! Fresh
fruits and berries can also be prepped and frozen for a pie or dessert
at a later date, what a time saver during the holidays!
Milk and Cheese, Please!
Most grocery stores do an excellent job of slashing prices on milk
and cheese products at least once a month, and the amazing thing is that
they also freeze well. Milk and cheese products contain calcium, which
is essential for bone strength. Next time these dairy products go on
sale, stock up and save some serious money! Just remember to pull a
gallon of milk out of the freezer the night before you wish to have your
morning cereal so you don’t end up with a bowl full of ice flakes!
Open Stock Bulk Foods
The open stock bulk foods section is probably one of the best kept
secrets of those who wish to eat healthy, but do not want to spend a lot
of money doing so. This is the section of the store where you will find
large canisters and barrels of grains, nuts, beans, dehydrated fruits,
and even trail mix. The beauty of this section is that you pay a
“per-pound” price based on how much you need! When purchasing your
pantry foods in this section, you avoid the costs associated with
packaging and branding. It costs manufacturers more money to pre-package
food than it does to ship these items to the store in one large
container. Not only do you get to stock up on the fiber and protein
bearing staples your body needs to be healthy, but you save money
because you don’t have to buy product packaging along with the food!
The Meat Section
Fresh cut meat is, by far, the most expensive food you will purchase
in the grocery store. As the cost of feed and supplies rise for farmers
who raise livestock, the price you pay for meat will follow. There are
many hidden secrets in this section of the store, though, that will save
you some serious money in the long run. One of the easiest ways to save
on fresh meat is to do your shopping at night. Grocery stores will
often discount their meat packages in the evening hours to get rid of
the older cuts; you can save up to 50% if you go shopping after the
dinner rush is over. Another way to maximize your savings is to buy meat
in bulk when it goes on sale during the holidays. Turkey, ham, steak,
and chicken are all holiday favorites, and your local market will slash
the prices of these meats for quick sell through. If you buy these meats
when they are at the lowest prices of the season, you can portion your
bounty out into meal size packages and freeze them for later use.
Eating good, wholesome food is an important component of living a
healthy lifestyle. By researching the sale cycles of your local grocery
store, and knowing where to find the best deals, you can provide your
family with foods that will help their bodies instead of harming them.
There are many secrets awaiting you at the grocery store that will not
break your bank account and will make you feel good when you get your
bill at the checkout line!
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