How to Shrink Your Pores
Keep your face clean
Like I just said, even someone who is on top of her skincare routine but has naturally large pores won’t be able to make them much smaller through good hygiene. However, that isn’t to say it doesn’t make a difference. When you don’t keep up with washing your face and exfoliating regularly, dead skin cells can build up in your pores, making them appear larger. If you consistently wash your face two times a day, exfoliate at least a few times a week, and steer clear of products that clog your pores, you’re taking a step in the right direction.
Prevent excess oil
Most of the time, large pores are accompanied by oily skin. When oil production occurs, pore size appears to increase (hence why they typically tend to look larger in the T-zone). This doesn’t mean that you should try to dry out your skin, though; dry skin can actually cause over-production of oil in an effort to keep skin balanced. Instead, stick with a moisturizer that is specifically formulated for oily or combination skin and that is labeled as “oil free.”
Primers are your friend
Over the past couple of years, makeup primers have become all the rage among lots of cosmetic companies. While there are tons that provide a variety of skin solutions like color correcting, hydrating and brightening, a bunch are also specifically formulated for mattifying and pore-minimizing. Silicone-based products like Benefit Cosmetics’ The Porefessional act as a pore filler to be applied under makeup to fill in any visible imperfections. Although this isn’t aiding in any shrinkage, it does the trick at concealing!
See a dermatologist
If none of the tricks above are working out well enough for you, it might be time to see a dermatologist. She can help you become more knowledgeable on your personal skin type, what you can do to improve your hygienic habits and may even prescribe a medication or ointment to help clear up your skin if necessary. Plus, dermatologist offices usually offer services such as chemical peels to clear and tighten the skin.
I know trying to squeeze the life out of your pores can be tempting when you’re staring in a mirror that maximizes everything to 10 times its actual size, but do your best to avoid any picking – you’ll just end up permanently enlarging them and doing more damage than it’s worth. Really, though, don’t stress too much about your pore size. When it comes down to it, you’re probably the only person looking at your face that closely, anyway
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